Ostatnie wydarzenia

Foundation “Science and Education for Agri-Food Sector” established in 2011, is an independent, self-financing, non-profit, non-governmental organization.

The objectives of the Foundation’s activities include research and education for the development of agri-food sector inPoland, as well as support for active research institutions in the sector, with particular emphasis on Warsaw University of Life Sciences, including the International MBA Program, “Management in Agribusiness”.

The Foundation’s mission is to promote, support and initiate activities for Polish economic development through closer cooperation of science and business, with particular emphasis on agri-food sector.


Fundacja Nauka i Edukacja dla Agrobiznesu

Foundation Science and Education for Agri-Food Sector


ul. Fabiańska 12

01-472 Warszawa

email: edward_majewski@sggw.edu.pl

tel: +48 608 630 637

fax: +48 22 59 342 16

NIP: 5222988345

REGON: 145157143

KRS: 0000395276

Konto Fundacji Nauka i Edukacja dla Agrobiznesu:

Raffeisen Pank Polska S.A.


54 1750 0012 0000 0000 2176 9908